This website and the material covered is for informational purposes only. We take no responsibility for what you do with this knowledge. We can not be held responsible for any property or medical damages caused by items you read about on our website. Read and apply at your own risk.

The materials on this site are distributed “as is” and appear on the site without express or implied warranties of any kind. In particular, we make no warranty as to the accuracy, quality, completeness or applicability of the information provided. Just like any other informational site, do your homework, things stated here may or may not work for everyone.

You agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Mangy Foil and its associates from any and all claims and damages as a result of any and all of the information covered. You took the risk, take ownership.

We would advise you to check your local laws. Some of the items we refer to might be and/or illegal in some areas, and we would highly advise you against building these in said areas. Any of the tools, weapons or machinery, we discuss should never be pointed at a person or animal. Be Safe and Be Responsible.

We are entrusted the knowledge, let us use it wisely.

Mangy Foil Team