PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class , because the name is already in use – Laravel Migrations

Vincent Paul/ May 23, 2022/ Laravel, PHP, Programming, Technology

Please read our Disclaimer Works with -Laravel Framework 8.83.11 In case you have encountered something similar: Try to do the following: On your terminal, run the following command: If that doesn’t fix it, try to do the following: Make sure there are no existing duplicate class names in your migrations, the names are case in-sensitive, so Roles and roles will

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TypeError ReflectionFunction::__construct() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given

Paopatsin/ November 29, 2020/ Laravel, PHP, Programming, Technology

Please read our Disclaimer Works With-Laravel Framework 8.16.0 After a long hiatus, I’ve jumped from Laravel 5.8.30 to Laravel 8.16.0 to update my tools and that’s almost three (3) major versions I’ve missed. With a busy schedule I could not spare time to go through the change logs. And so it happens. Prior the 8.16.0 migration, I’ve used to create

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